No matter what industry you are involved with there is a good chance hydraulic cylinders and components are being used. Many pieces of equipment and processes are designed around the use of hydraulic components. The failure of such a component can mean a project or operation can be paused, costing owners and operators tens- or hundreds-of-thousands of dollars until the part can be repaired or replaced. Whatever industry you are involved with, WC Hydraulics has the expertise, experience, inventory, and tools to assist with your critical hydraulic part failure or need.
Mining Equipment
Mining operations present some of the harshest conditions for equipment. Both surface and underground mining rely on the power of hydraulics to deliver strong, dependable, and precise material removal as fast as possible. If the cylinders or hydraulic components fail, the entire operation can quickly grind to a halt. We can ensure minimal downtime to your operation while cylinder and component repairs are underway. Our cylinder and component exchange program and experienced cylinder repair team provides just the answer you need.
Typical surface and underground equipment supported:
Continuous Miners
Highwall Miners
Shuttle Cars
Coal Haulers
Wheel Loaders
Roof Drills
Rotary Drills
Off-Road Trucks
Battery and Rubber Tired Transportation Equipment
Construction Equipment
Construction-grade hydraulic cylinders are designed to work continuously in a highly repetitive environment, day-after-day. Sometimes failures can occur and that’s when WC Hydraulics steps in. Our Cylinder Exchange program enables work to continue, while these critical parts are assessed and repaired by the WC Hydraulics team.
Typical Equipment supported
- Graders
- Excavators
- Loaders & Scrapers
- Off-Road Trucks & Bulldozers
- Drills
Oil & Gas Equipment
As new innovations in the oil and gas industries enable greater opportunity to extract, move and refine the products, so hydraulic cylinders play a large role in ensuring a project becomes operational as quickly as possible and stays online. WC Hydraulics is a key part of enabling continued up time for oil and gas operations, with its experienced cylinder repair team and the Cylinder Exchange Program.
Typical Components Supported
- Mast Raise Cylinders
- Walking Cylinders
- Feed Cylinders
- Hydraulic Piston Pumps and Motors
- Control Valves
Railroad Equipment
In recent years railroad maintenance has developed into automated systems, requiring precision motion control in hydraulic cylinders to enable fast track repair, maintenance, and installation. WC Hydraulics has played an ever-increasing role in the repair of critical hydraulic cylinders for the railroad industry. With the Cylinder Exchange Program and experienced repair team, we can ensure your operation has minimal or no downtime.
Typical Equipment Supported
- Rail Construction and Maintenance Equipment
- Grinders
- Tie Equipment
- Surfacing Equipment
WC Hydraulics delivers the very best in service, expertise and skill across industry lines. Our experience and large inventory can be an asset to your company in fighting cost and downtime. We would love to talk to you about our company and your needs.
Contact us now for a quote or just to discuss how we can play a part in your everyday business.